Chestnut-sided Warbler by Linda Curtis Taken June 3 2013 in Atlas square 15TS96. Atlas code H. photo: MBBA Intern
Purple Finch fledgling by Joanne Smith Taken June 25 2013 in atlas square 14NB97. (Atlas code FY) photo: MBBA Intern
Red-necked Grebe with young by Donna Martin Taken June 22 2013 at Shoal Lakes MB. Atlas code FY. photo: MBBA Intern
Black-capped Chickadee excavating nest by Nella Schmidt Spring 2013. Atlas code NB. photo: MBBA Intern
Caspian Tern by Peter Taylor Taken June 17 2013 along the Waterhen River in atlas square 14MC63. (Atlas code H) photo: MBBA Intern
Sandhill Crane by Deanne Endrizzi Taken in Wapusk National Park, Summer 2010. Atlas code H. photo: MBBA Intern
Northern Hawk Owl fledgling, by Joanne Smith Taken June 4 2013 in atlas square 14NB95. (Atlas code FY) photo: MBBA Intern
American Coot young by Katharine Schulz Taken July 23 2013 in atlas square 14 LV97. (Atlas code FY) photo: MBBA Intern
Yellow Warbler nest by Diann Elliot Taken June 13 2
13 in atlas square 15VF31. (Atlas code NB) photo: MBBA Intern
Brown Thrasher nest with eggs by Ian Kleinsasser Taken Summer 2013 near Sainte Agathe. Atlas code NE. photo: MBBA Intern
Common Merganser with young by Irving Collins Taken at Big Island Lake, Aug. 2013. Atlas code FY. photo: MBBA Intern
Wood duck fledgling2 15US06 Jul.30.13 photo: Mostly Birds & Wildlife