Atlas Photos

Eastern Phoebe

Photo by Joanne Smith of Eastern Phoebe nestlings on 31sy July 2012 (Atlas code NY)

photo: MB_BBA_2

Barn Swallow fledgling by Katharine Schulz

Taken July 24 2013 in atlas square 14LV78. (Atlas code FY)

photo: MBBA Intern

Pine Grosbeak by Josiah Edgmond

Taken December 18 2012 in atlas square 14PA43. (Atlas code X)

photo: MBBA Intern

Common Eider nest with egg by Deanne Endrizzi

Taken in Wapusk National Park, Summer 2010. Atlas code NE.

photo: MBBA Intern

Evening Grosbeak pair in courtship display, by Joanne Smith

June 3 2013, atlas square 14NB97. (atlas code P)

photo: MBBA Intern

Sandhill Crane by Deanne Endrizzi

Taken in Wapusk National Park, Summer 2010. Atlas code H.

photo: MBBA Intern

Northern Hawk Owl feeding young by Skip Shand

Taken June 20 2013 in Atlas square 14PA39. Atlas code NY.

photo: MBBA Intern


Photo by Joel Kayer of an a Long-tailed Jaeger nest near Nejanilini Lake on July 9th 2012 (Atlas code NE)

photo: MB_BBA_2

Yellow-headed Blackbird by Katharine Schulz

Taken July 8, 2013 in atlas square 14LV99. (Atlas code CF)

photo: MBBA Intern

Bank Swallow colony

Photo by Joanne Smith of a Bank Swallow colony in atlas square 14PB07 on July 31st 2012 (Atlas code AE)

photo: MB_BBA_2

Red-tailed Hawk fledgling by Geoff Fierce

Taken near Souris MB on Aug. 19 2013. Atlas code FY.

photo: MBBA Intern

Chicken Little

Young Spruce Grouse near Churchill, MB.

photo: NatureThroughNorthernEyes

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Banner photo: Christian Artuso