Wood duck fledgling 15US06 Jul.30.13 photo: birdwatchertwo
Ring-necked Duck 15TS96 Jun. 24.13 photo: birdwatchertwo
Wood Duck fledgling by Linda Curtis Taken Aug. 29 2013 in Atlas square 15US06. Atlas code FY. photo: MBBA Intern

Forster's Tern fledgling by Harry Harris Taken Summer 2013 at Kjartson Harbour MB. Atlas code FY. photo: MBBA Intern
Canvasback with young by Donna Martin Take July 5 2013 at Shoal Lakes. Atlas code FY. photo: MBBA Intern
Chipping Sparrow and fledgling by Katharine Schulz Taken July 4 2013 in atlas square 14PA22. (Atlas code FY) photo: MBBA Intern

Common Merganser with young by Irving Collins Taken at Big Island Lake, Aug. 2013. Atlas code FY. photo: MBBA Intern
Orchard Oriole by Katharine Schulz Taken July 8 2013 in atlas square 14LV99. (Atlas code H, unless other behaviour observed) photo: MBBA Intern
Chestnut-collared Longspur by Meredith Stoesz Taken summer 2013. Atlas code H. photo: MBBA Intern

American Coot young by Katharine Schulz Taken July 23 2013 in atlas square 14 LV97. (Atlas code FY) photo: MBBA Intern
Bank Swallow nestlings by Donna Martin Taken along Road 119 North in the RM of Gimli, 2013. Atlas code NY. photo: MBBA Intern
Upland Sandpiper fledgling by Katharine Schulz Taken July 23 2013 in atlas square 14LV87. (Atlas code FY) photo: MBBA Intern