Atlas Photos


Photo: Christian Artuso. A Killdeer gives a full distraction display as one of their four fledglings ventures onto a dirt road. Photo taken near Roblin on June 26th, 2010. Atlas code = FY (fledged young) = confirmed breeding (note: the "FY" trumps the "DD" code)

Horned Grebe

Photo: Christian Artuso. A pair of Horned Grebes with one sitting on the nest and the other bringing extra building material near Minnedosa on June 23rd, 2010. The atlas code could be treated as NB (nest building) or AE (adult entering) = confirmed breeding

Connecticut Warbler

Photo: Christian Artuso. A Connecticut Warbler that has been singing at the same location near Riding Mountain NP since the end of May. This bird was photographed doing their characteristic walk along a branch, on June 28th, 2010. Atlas code = T (territory) = probable breeding

Chipping Sparrow

Photo: Christian Artuso. A Chipping Sparrow on the nest near Riding Mountain NP on June 12th, 2010. Atlas code = AE (adult entering) = confirmed breeding


Photo: Christian Artuso. A female Bufflehead with her brood near Riding Mountain NP on June 27th, 2010. Atlas code = FY (fledged young) = confirmed breeding

Pied-billed Grebe

Photo: Linda Boys. A Pied-billed Grebe with young on June 23rd, 2010. Atlas code = FY (fledged young) confirmed breeding

Red-eyed Vireo nest with Brown-headed Cowbird egg

Photo: Jim Duncan. A abandoned nest of Red-eyed Vireo with two Brown-headed Cowbird eggs (darker coloured eggs). Jim Duncan submitted this photo, taken near Balmoral but he had not seen the adult birds. The nest and eggs identified by Christian Artuso; however, comments are welcome from others. Note, this confirms breeding for both species under atlas code NE (nest with eggs).

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Photo: Anita Drabyk. A Chestnut-sided Warbler collecting cobwebs and fluff for his nest. The bird went up and down the twigs of the dead shrub collecting pieces of fluff. This was in Atlas Square 15TR96 (Pinawa). Atlas code = NB = nest building = Confirmed breeding

Common Grackle chick

Photo: Joel Kayer. A recent fledgling Common Grackle on June 10th/2010 in square 14LE24 (Region 8). Atlas code = FY (fledged young) = confirmed breeding

Common Grackle nest

Photo: Joel Kayer. A nest of Common Grackle with young in square 14LE24 (region 8). Atlas code = NY (nest with young) = confirmed breeding.

Ring-necked Duck nest

Photo Joel Kayer. A nest of Ring-necked Duck with eggs on June 10th, 2010 in square 14LE24. Atlas code = NE (nest with eggs) = Confirmed breeding.

Red-winged Blackbird nest

Photo Joel Kayer. A nest of Red-winged Blackbirds with eggs and chicks on June 10th, 2010 in square 14LE24. Atlas code = NY (nest with young) = Confirmed breeding.

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Manitoba Breeding Bird Atlas, Bird Studies Canada, Box 24-200 Saulteaux Cr Winnipeg, MB R3J 3W3
Phone: 1-888-448-2473 E-mail:
Banner photo: Christian Artuso