Regional Coordinators
These volunteers were the backbone of the atlas project and integral to the management and success of data collection over five field seasons. The Regional Coordinators deserve recognition for their tremendous role as leaders by coordinating field-surveys, recruiting volunteers, and seemingly endless data review. Coordinators are listed according to the region they administered (mapped in Fig. 3 of Methods section).
Region name | Regional coordinator |
1. Southwest | Ken D De Smet |
2. South Central | Carrie A Braden |
Robert E Jones | |
Lorelie Mitchell | |
3. Red River Valley | Paula Grieef |
4. Southeast | Robert J Parsons |
Christian Artuso | |
5. Nopiming / Winnipeg River | Peter Taylor |
6. Southern Interlake | Bob Shettler |
7. Mountain | Harry A.G. Harris |
8. The Pas / Flin Flon | David Raitt |
9. Northern Interlake | Randy D. Mooi |
10. Central East | Rudolf Koes |
11. Lynn Lake / Thompson | Richard Staniforth |
Rudolf Koes | |
12. Gillam / Shamattawa | Rudolf Koes |
13. Northwest | Rudolf Koes |
List of Atlas Participants
This project was possible only with the enthusiasm and skills of the over 700 citizen scientists dedicated their time, effort, and personal resources to survey thousands of squares for the atlas project. All who contributed breeding bird records are listed, unless they requested otherwise. Please visit this page for a few of the statistics concerning each atlasser's activity. The atlas team would like to say a huge thank you to everyone whose name appears in the table, irrespective of the amount of data collected. We also greatly appreciate those participants who did not collect data but who assisted in remote expeditions, transportation, logistics, note taking and other activities that facilitated the tremendous accomplishment of completing surveys.
Wayne Adams | Robert B Emery | Andrew Lesik | Mark Ryckman |
Lusine Akopyan | Deanne Endrizzi | Josh Levac | Guy Sain |
Erica G. Alex | Adolf Ens | Rebecca J. Lewis | Ben Salnikowski |
Jasmin T. Amyotte | Dan Epp-Tiessen | Michael Li | Carole Sangster |
David Anderson | Charlene Erb | Greg J. Logan | Murray W. Sangster |
John Anderson | Carolyn J. Evans | Erika Lopez | Robert Saunders |
Nick Anich | Christopher G. Evans | Camille Lough | Liz Scales |
Christian Artuso | Dennis Fast | Brian Lubinski | Don Schatzlein |
Jeannette Astleford | Debra Fehr | Elizabeth Luke | Ed Schewe |
Stewart Astleford | Michael Ferguson | Brian Lund | Kevin Schewe |
Alfred Aug | Geoff Fierce | Jennifer Lusk | Winnifred Schewe |
Ron J. Austin | Nicole Firlotte | Marlene Lyon | Natalie Schinkel |
Bob Austman | Tiffany Flye | Elliot Macdonald | Ashley Schmidt |
Devon D. Baete | Frank Foidart | Jane Macdonald | Chuck J. Schmidt |
Lynda Baker | Mark Ford | Carol J. Machnee | Nella Schmidt |
Frank Baldwin | Willie Foth | Gerald D. Machnee | Al Schritt |
Lyle Ball | Anatoliy Franchuk | Frank J. Machovec | Hartmut Schroeder |
Ken Barclay | Gail A. Franzmann | Jacqueline A. Machovec | Katharine Schulz |
Colleen Barclay | Gary G. Franzmann | Bill Maciejko | Marianne L. Schutz |
Wendy Barker | Rheanna Fraser | Roberta Mackid | Martin S. Scott |
Barbara Barnett | Angela Freeman | Anne L. Maclean | René Séguin |
Phil C. Barnett | Mik Freeman | Jo-Anne M. Maclennan | Jon Seguire |
Douglas Barry | Colleen D. French | Tracy Maconachie | Ria Sofia Semenowich |
Karen Barry | Trevor J. C French | Nicole Macpherson | Nathan Senner |
Blaire C. Barta | Bert Frenz | David Maendel | Stan Shadick |
Ron C. Bazin | J. Brett Fried | Yvonne Maes | Skip Shand |
Roberta Bear | Chris Friesen | Carmen L. Mahon | Elie Shannacappo |
Darnell Beardy | Paul Friesen | Todd Mahon | James M. Shannacappo |
Edwin S. R. Beardy | Rose Friesen | E. Marcyniuk | Robert P. Shanncacappo |
Elaine B. Beardy | Alexandra Froese | John Markert | Monica Sharma |
Frederic Bedard | Katrina Froese | Lynda J. Marshall | Bob Shettler |
Kenneth Behrens | Phil Froese | Donna Martin | Marianne Shultz |
John Bell | Vera Froese | Kristen A. Martin | Rosalie Sigurdson |
Michael Bell | Denis Funk | Mary Marzyk | Alma Simm |
Dave Benson | John Gaele | Jim Marzyk | Cassie Sinclair |
Mark Benson | Diane Gagnon | Nia M. Massey | Rob Sinclair |
Dean Berezanski | Robert Gagnon | Bill Matheson | Maritta Sinisalo |
Gary R. Berg | Donna Gamache | Cheryl Matheson | Melissa Sipinski |
Luke Berg | Luc Gamache | Eric Matheson | Stuart Slattery |
Susie Bergen | Ken A. Gardner | Reid Matheson | Alan Smith |
Robert P. Berger | David Garrod | Kurt Mazur | Chris Smith |
Stefanie Bergh | Diane Garrod | Angela Mccormick | Connie Smith |
Roger Binne | Patricia Garrod | David B. Mccorquodale | Joanne D. Smith |
James Bjornson | Matthew Gasner | Kyle Mccorrister | Thomas E. Smith |
Randy Bjornson | Elizabeth C. Gauthier | Liam Mccutchin | Thomas D. Smith |
Ellen E Blain | Russel George | Sharon Mccutchin | Dale Sobkowich |
Robert R. Blain | Maha Ghazal | Tatjana Mccutchin | Tim Sopuck |
Luc Blanchette | Daniel G. Giesbrecht | Laurel Mcdonald | Janet Southern |
Jason Blanco | Fran J. Giesbrecht | Alexander P. Mcilraith | Jennifer Spallin |
Hazel M. Blennerhassett | Lee Giesbrecht | John Mcintyre | Andrew P. Spence |
Colin W. Blyth | Rhonda Giesbrecht | Patti Mcintyre | Bob Spencler |
Scott Blyth | John A. Gillis | Brent D. Mckay | Roy St. Lawrence |
Ron Bodner | J. Paul Goossen | Darian A. Mckay | Brenda Standrick |
Gail Bodner | Valorie Goossen | Skyler J. T. Mckay | Diana S. Staniforth |
Ron Boese | Stan Graham | Jim Mckinley | Richard J. Staniforth |
Ronna K. Boettcher | Pauline M. Grettum | Jim Mckinnon | Eileen Stapleton |
Rosely Booth | Gordon D. Grieef | Andrea L. Mclean | Simon C. Starr |
Christie Borkowsky | Jaye M. Grieef | Janine Mcmanus | Luke Stephenson |
Chris Boumford | Paula Grieef | Ardythe Mcmaster | Dan Sterling |
Ed Bouvier | Laura D. Groening | W. Charles McPherson | Scott D. Stevens |
Linda Boys | Nancy Groff | David McPherson | Garry Stevenson |
Carrie A. Braden | Nick Grover | Francine McPherson | Lorraine C. Stevenson |
Helen A. Braden | Jacquie Gudz | Michael M. Melius | Cathy L. Stewart |
David Bradley | Amanda Guercio | Natalka A. Melnycky | Rosemarie Stewart |
Heather Brandow | Melanie Guigeno | Ray Méthot | Craig Stewart |
Leonard Braun | Lance J. K. Guilbault | Marilyn Meyer | Heather M. Stewart |
C-Jae Breiter | Vern Guttman | Albert Mickey | Robert Stewart |
Nancy Bremner | Randy Guyot | Barbara Mickey | Daniel Stirling |
Helen R. Brightman | David W. Hagborg | Michelle A. Mico | Meredith A. Stoesz |
David Britton | Charles J. Hagner | Brent E. Mike | Alexander M. D. Stone |
Al J. Brockmeyer | Sharon Hallgrimson | Brooklyn L. Mike | Kayla D. Sutherland |
Brant C. Broome | Greg Halstrom | Alex Mills | Vicki L. Sutherland |
David R. W. Bruinsma | Janet Halstrom | Heather Miltenburg | Alanna C. Sutton |
Neil Buchard | Mel R. Ham | Jim Minty | Jo S. Swartz |
Wilfred A. Buck | Cary Hamel | Laraine Mitchell | Dennis Swayze |
Garry Budyk | Cheryl Harris | Lorelie Mitchell | Abigail Symmes |
Bill Buhler | Harry A. G. Harris | Hans Mohr | Chelsea Synychych |
Richard Buist | Owen Hart | Aaron C. Mooi | Brian Taylor |
Julia Burger | Braden C. Haslen | Randall C. Mooi | Edith Sharon Taylor |
Bob Burkard | Marg Haugen | Morley M. Moore | Peter Taylor |
Neil Butchard | Bev Hawksworth | C-Jae Morden | Robert Taylor |
Tim Byers | Don Hawksworth | Barry Morrison | Natalie Tays |
Richard W. Cain | T. R. Hayward | Ken Mould | Tim Teetaert |
Derrick J. Campbell | Linda Heaman | Sharon Mould | Ruby Tekauz |
Glenn Campbell | Ralph Heaman | Laurel L. Moulton | Dave L. Thiessen |
Michelle L. Campeau | Kathy Hedegard | Bob Munro | Henry J. Thiessen |
Brad L. Carey | Brenda T. Hemery | Colin S. Murray | William E. Thomas |
Stacey Carnochan | Joan L. Heshka | Kathy Murray | Debbie Thompson |
Tom Carrick | Lorne G. Heshka | Kerry Muswagon | Paul Thompson |
Cindy Cartwright | Jake Hiebert | Gail Nally | Amelia G. Thornhill |
Norma Carson | Ruth Hiebert | Jason M. S. Naylor | Joyce Tomchuk |
Gary S. Casper | Chris Higgs | Darrell J. Neufeld | Kris Torske |
Dennis M. Cauvin | Reid Hildebrandt | Myrtle R. Nichols | Lucie Toupin |
Bonnie A. Chartier | Bonnie Hill | Trevor W. Nichols | Christian Tremblay |
Rhonda Chestnut | Heather Hinam | Robert G. Nickel | K. Tuchscherer |
Annette C. Chevalier | Lisa M. Holbert | Lindsay E. Nicolle | Mike Tumber |
Pat Choquettte | David Holland | Henry P. Nikkel | Andrew R. Tyerman |
Daniel J. Chranowski | George E. Holland | Valerie C. Norquay | Don J. Tyerman |
Ward Christianson | Tamara Horechko | Leif R. E. Nutbean | Christine Tymchak |
Heather Christie | Beryl Horning | Tynan J. Nutbean | Kendra Tymtshen |
Carla Church | Jean Horton | John Oates | Victor H. Valencia |
Paul Clark | Leslie Houston-Henry | Gordon Dawson Ogilvie | Piet Van Dijken |
Redmond McV. Clarke | Drew Hoysak | Stuart Oikawa | Josiah D. Van Egmond |
Leon J. Clegg | Ed Huisman | Marika Olynyk | William A. Van Egmond |
Peter J. Clements | Linda Huisman | Justin Paille | John Van Houdt |
Lindy L. Clubb | Anjolene Hunt | James F. Parkinson | Iwan Van Veen |
Colleen Cobbe | Ricardo E.Ibarra | Marjorie V. Parsons | Steve Van Wilgenburg |
Phoenix Cochrane | Manitoba Chimney Swift Initative | Robert J. Parsons | Liis Veelma |
Raiden S. Cochrane | Jim Irwin | Gilbert Patenaude | Michael Veilleux |
F. Lewis Cocks | Ray Iverson | Jean A. Paterson | Frederik W. Veldink |
Sandy Cohen | Louise Jablonski | Sharlene R. Paton | Kevin Visser |
Jon Cole | Marc H. Jackson | Scott Patrick | Teresa L. B. Visser |
Oscar Lathlin Collegiate | Charles Jakubek | Susan Patterson | Ken Wainwright |
Irving C Collins | Kathy Jakubek | Dean Peachey | Jan Wainwright |
Jan Collins | Viera Jakubek | Linda Pearn | Marlene Waldron |
Stantec Consulting | Norah L. Jancik | Jeanette Peart | Curtis Wall |
Ian T. Cook | Arno H. Jansen | Charlotte Pedwell | Melissa Wall |
Anne Corkery | Ruth Jansen | Morley Pedwell | Bill Walley |
Sue Cosens | Walfried Jansen | Carole A. Penner | Adam Walleyn |
Sandra Cote | Lars C. Jansson | Erin E. Penney | Tom Wallrich |
Andy Courcelles | Crawford Jenkins | Debbie Perkins | Gene Walz |
Sandra Courcelles | Ryon C. Johnston | Jim Perkins | Mary Wang |
Andrew Couturier | Scott Johnstone | James Petersen | Ralph Wang |
Summer S. Crate | Henry Jonasson | Sean Peterson | Ian Ward |
Barrie Creran | Bob Jones | Stephen Peterson | Abigail M. Watkins |
Vince Crichton | Jo-Ann Jones | Barb Pettinger | William W. Watkins |
Patricia A. Cuddy | Robert E. Jones | Ray Pettinger | Angele Watrin-Prodaehl |
Jennifer Cunningham | Brian Joynt | Mark Piorecky | Doug Webber |
Brian J. Curtis | Michele M. Kading | Emily Pipher | John Weier |
Linda J. Curtis | Jake Kalyta | Lynette Plett | Esther Weiss |
Calvin Cuthbert | Laura Kaner-Isaak | Ken Poitras | Harold Weiss |
Bonnie A. Danard | Mike Karakas | Barry Pomeroy | Brenda J. Werntz |
Doug Dance | Glen Karklin | Timothy F. Poole | Jerry Weshnoweski |
Dave Daniels | Peggy Kasuba | Irene Porteous | Peggy Westhorpe |
Robert Daniels | Joel Kayer | Ken C. Porteous | Buster Wetch |
Larry Danielson | Vince Keenan | Ryan Porteous | Max Wheaton |
Myra Danielson | Anthony C. Keeper | Frank Pouw | Robert Wheeldon |
Donna Danyluk | Shawn G. Keith | Ilya Povalyaev | Todd Whiklo |
Edwin Daudrich | Robert Kell | Scott Poworoznyk | James J. Whitelaw |
Mae Davidson | Trinia Kell | Dave Prescott | David Wiebe |
Jennie Davies | Miles Keller | Nadine Price | Emmy Wiebe |
Andrew R. Davis | Stan Kelly | Marie Prill | Ron Wiebe |
Bob Davis | Charlie Dirk Kesler | Erin C. Prokopanko | Rose Wiebe |
Helene Davis | Albert Keunigk | Laurie Prokopanko | Jonathan Wiens |
D. Dawson | Karen E. Kilgour-Klann | Lawrence Prokopanko | Mariko Wiens |
Adrian De Groot | Judith King | Sherry Punak-Murphy | Renee Will |
Larry De March | Ken Kingdon | Marilyn D. Qually | Tom M. Will |
Richard G. De Mey | Tim Kinney | David Raitt | Jonathan M. Willans |
Ken D. De Smet | Brian Kiss | Cristina L. Ranellucci | Angie C. Williams |
Matt Dedrick | Janis Klapecki | Karen Rasenberg | Ken A. Williams |
Greg Dejong | Raymond D. Klassen | Matt Ratson | Steve Willim |
Eric Demers | Kris Klemchuk | Amelia Reid | Bruce Wilson |
Josh D. Dewitt | Scott Klemchuk | Blair D. Reid | Don G. Wilson |
Cheyrl Dobell | Rudolf F. Koes | J. A. Keith Reid | Jan Wilson |
Deanna Dodgson | David Koons | Jim Reimer | Scott Wilson |
Donna L. Doell | Nicola Koper | Roxie M. Reimer | Rick Wilson |
Linda Dorian | Victor Kowall | Victor J. Reimer | Brett Wlock |
Mark Dorresfield | Paul Krahn | Jennifer Renton | Alex Wojcik |
Peter Douglas | Derek S. Kroeker | Tami L. Reynolds | Jessica Wood |
Anita M. Drabyk | Albert Kuhnigk | Gillian Richards | Bradley Woodworth |
Lian Drabyk | Cliff Kuzio | Christa Rigney | Alan Wormington |
Ron Drabyk | Sylvie M. L.Labossière | Tracey L. Rimmer | Robert M. Worona |
W. Scott Drieschman | Marcel D. Lacroix | Chris Risley | David Wright |
Jessy B. Dubnyk | Leone Langan | Andrew Robert | Jeremy Wupori |
Jack Dubois | Shirley A. Lannoo | Joan F. Robinson | Leanne Wyvenberg |
Ron Dueck | Nicholas Laporte | Madelyn Robinson | Julie Yatsko |
Janet R. Dugle | Jill Larkin | Anna E. Rockenstein | Yolanda E. Yobb |
Brooke M. Duncan | Georgina Larson | Laura Rogasky | Margaret Yorke |
James R. Duncan | Raymond Larson | Vanya Rohwer | Graham Young |
Daniel Dupont | Lynne Latozke | Jeremy D. Ross | Reto Zach |
Alvin P. Dyck | Cory E. Laughlin | Louise Rosset | Coleen Zebeluk |
Mike Eggleston | Christian Lavergne | Cody K. Roy | Samantha Zrobin |
Lawrence W. Einarsson | Martha Laverock | Jim Roy | Elm River Hutterite Colony |
Diann Elliot | Wendy E. Law | Jon Ruddy | Selkirk Bird Club |
Judy Elliott | Annemarie M. Layman | Derek Russell | |
Kyle Elliott |
Logistical Support
In addition to those who collected data, volunteers participated in numerous other ways including assisting in promotional activities, events and training workshops; transporting people and materials; lending canoes and other equipment; and serving as paddlers, guides, or bear guards on remote expeditions. We are indebted to those white-water guides and experts including Jack Dubois, Denis Funk, Diana Komejan, Ian Pineau, Luke Stephenson, Don Tyerman, and Rick Wilson; boat drivers including Kevin Ault and David Wright; pilots including Doug Webber and Vern Guttman; lodge owners and staff (see Sponsors section), and the outstanding contributions of many employees of Manitoba Sustainable Development, Parks Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources, and the staff of the MV Namao and the Lake Winnipeg Research Consortium, without whom many remote expeditions would have been impossible. We deeply thank the band councils and citizens of Animoziibing (Lake Manitoba), Azaadiwiziibing (Poplar River), Cankagha Otinta(Birdtail Sioux), Dahlu T’ua (Lac Brochet), Dibitineyaziibing (Rolling River), Gaa-biskigamaag (Swan Lake), Kinosawi Sipi (Norway House), Kisematawa (Shamattawa), Kistiganwacheeng (Garden Hill), Manto Sakikan (Gods Lake), Manto Sipi (Gods River), Memewiziibing (Berens River), Mishi-baawitigong (Little Grand Rapids), Miskoziibing (Bloodvein), Opaskwayak (OCN: Opaskwayak Cree Nation), Pimicikamak (Cross Lake), Tes-He-Olie Twe (Tadoule Lake), and Wewezhigaabawing (Waywayseecappo) for their generosity and support. Many others individuals also provided invaluable assistance and logistical support including Pierre Barnes, Ron and Lorna Coley, Derrick Hilliker, Guy and Alice Newman, Mike Reimer, and Charlie Schweder. We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to the late Kim Monson, who meticulously dried, prepared, wrapped, and packed food in barrels (in order of consumption) for many expeditions, always with a detailed menu and instructions, and always having carefully pre-counted calories and ensuring that any dietary restrictions of individual paddlers were met. The Kim Monson Bursary Fund was recently established to honour Kim’s outstanding legacy. Many of these individuals also contributed data and their names appear in the list of participants above.
Individual photographers are credited below their photographs. Photos are copyright protected. Thank you to all the talented photographers who submitted photos to be considered for inclusion in this publication, as well as those who submitted photos for the atlas newsletter, presentations, workshops and other outreach and promotional activities. We especially thank Garry Budyk for his indefatigable efforts in compiling, selecting and photo editing for the species accounts.
We have made every effort to acknowledge and include the names of all contributors and project supporters. Please accept our sincere apologies for any errors or if any names have been inadvertently omitted, and notify us immediately at cartuso@bsc-eoc.org so that corrections can be made to the website and to other materials.